Jonathas de Andrade | Screening, Live Score
2 Nov, 18:00 — 20:00
Screening of Olho da Rua and Jogos Dirigidos with live soundtrack
Limited Capacity. Sign up.
Olho da Rua (Out Loud), 2022, and Jogos Dirigidos (Directed Games), 2019, by Jonathas de Andrade will be screened with the soundtrack being performed by three live musicians, including the composer Homero Basílio. Previously presented in this format at public venues in Portugal and Brazil, the two films will be presented for the first time in the Nordic region. Drawing upon Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed, they center the testimonies of communities who give voice to the complexities of contemporary Brazilian society—its cultural and linguistic diversity but also its stark inequalities.
Olho da Rua, which was filmed in Recife, follows a cast of 100 nonprofessional actors who are without formal housing and moves between direct address and collective assembly in a public square. In Jogos Dirigidos, hearing impaired members of the Várzea Queimada community, in northeastern Brazil, share their everyday experiences through a locally developed form of sign language.
This event is part of Before Tomorrow Live – a program of performance, talks, sound, and screenings as an extension of the anniversary exhibition Before Tomorrow – Astrup Fearnley Museet 30 Years.
Free and open for all.