Ignas Krunglevicius: POSSESSOR – sound installation
16 Sep, 17:00 — 22:00
At the same time as Ultima Festival of Contemporary Music and as part of Oslo Culture Night you can experience Ignas Krunglevicius’ sound installation POSSESSOR
The event is an extension of the exhibition of the sound work POSSESSOR, which can be seen in the building where the Astrup Fearnley Collection is displayed. In the sound installation, with the same title, the artist will use the museum space’s architectural features to customise the sound, visual and spatial elements for a multi-dimensional environment-oriented experience. As the audience moves through the interior, they navigate the expanded dimensions of a sonic world staged throughout the architectural site, an entire building. The rooms themselves will become speakers producing an intense noise felt throughout the body and audibly.
In collaboration with Ultima.