Vacant position as project coordinator for Blikkåpner Oslo

There is a vacant position as project coordinator with Blikkåpner Oslo. See full description on the Norwegian webpage. Application deadline 30 April. Contact:

Blikkåpner Oslo is a collaboration between Kunstnernes Hus and Astrup Fearnley Museet, and starting from autumn 2023 we welcome  UKS (Unge Kunstneres Samfund) as our new collaborating partner in the project.

Blikkåpner Oslo consists of 15 young adults from the city of Oslos 15 different districts. During 2023/2024 Blikkåpner Oslo will work as a team to mediate the artistic program of the institutions to other young adults at the age of 16 – 19 years old. By producing their own events, workshops and tours, Blikkåpner Oslo mediates art on its own terms.