Cancelled: Sunday Tour
16 Jun, 15:00 — 15:45
Todays guided tour of The Deep West Assembly at 15:00 is unfortunately cancelled
Welcome to a guided tour of the exhibition The Deep West Assembly by multidisciplinary American artist and filmmaker Cauleen Smith (b. 1967, Riverside, California; lives and works in Los Angeles).
Smith is internationally known for visionary works that draw on experimental cinema from the 1960s and 1970s, science-fiction films and literature, and Afro-diasporic experience and thought. This solo exhibition offers a comprehensive view of Smith’s prolific output and premieres her latest film, The Deep West Assembly (2024), commissioned by Astrup Fearnley Museet. In producing her films, videos, live-feed projections, and slide projections, Smith deploys original research and techniques of improvisation, arrangement, and live performance and narration, creating works that share affinities with theater and visual art.
The tour lasts for about 45 mins and costs 50 kr. If you are a member both the exhibition and tour is free.
This tour is conducted in English.