Curator-led walkthrough of Between Rivers | Plot/Oslo
31 Oct, 17:00 — 19:00
Welcome to this Plot/Oslo curator-led walkthrough of the exhibition Between Rivers with curator Owen Martin
Free for members of Plot/Oslo!
17:00: Welcome and snacks
17:15 Tour of Between Rivers with Owen Martin.
The tour lasts 50 minutes, and after that it will be possible to explore the exhibition on your own. The museum closes at 19:00.
The tour will be conducted in English.
Plot/Oslo is a club for young adults who want to learn more about contemporary art. The club is open to anyone between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five and is free to join. Members are invited to events related to contemporary art, such as tours, meetings with artists, film screenings, and courses.
Plot/Oslo is a collaboration between Astrup Fearnley Museet, the National Museum, and Kunstnernes Hus. Visit @plotoslo